Lupo ferito scoperto nelle campagne di San Vincenzo, intervento della Lipu Italian per il soccorso

Lupo ferito scoperto nelle campagne di San Vincenzo, intervento della Lipu Italian per il soccorso

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This afternoon, a wolf in serious distress was rescued in the countryside of San Vincenzo. The male animal was found injured, with very little ability to react and in poor condition, almost emaciated. The operators from Lipu Cruma Livorno were called to the scene by the forest rangers. The sub-adult wolf was hiding under a tarpaulin in a field.

According to initial visual examinations, a circular wound was discovered, seemingly consistent with a gunshot wound at the lumbar vertebrae, along with mild hemorrhaging. After being recovered, the animal was urgently taken to the veterinary clinic in San Piero a Grado, Pisa, for further checks and may potentially be transferred to a specialized center in Tuscany. As explained by Nicola Maggi, the head of Lipu Cruma Livorno, if the examinations confirm the gunshot wound, a report will be filed with the competent authorities: “Acts of poaching against particularly protected species cannot be tolerated.”

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