WASHINGTON (UNITED STATES) (ITALPRESS) – In the Roosevelt Room of the White House, President Donald Trump announced a significant private sector investment in artificial intelligence infrastructure in the United States. “A new American company will invest at least $500 billion in AI infrastructure in the United States, creating over 100,000 jobs almost immediately,” Trump stated. “This monumental endeavor symbolizes a tremendous vote of confidence in America’s potential under my leadership.”
Trump described artificial intelligence as the key to America’s future, emphasizing the need to compete: “China is a competitor, as are other countries, and that’s why new investments are essential to facilitate production and generate energy efficiently,” he continued. “We must build new infrastructure to support the next generation of advancements in artificial intelligence. This will include the construction of colossal data centers, extremely massive facilities. This is very important to me. The $500 billion Stargate project will represent something very special and might be the largest investment in the sector.”
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman visited the White House on Tuesday afternoon for a meeting with Trump. The discussion revolved around an AI data center project named Stargate, which also involves collaboration with Oracle and SoftBank. For several months, AI leaders have indicated that greater investments in data centers are critical to powering the industry, including chips, electricity, and water resources. Currently, Oracle is one of the largest data center operators in the United States, while SoftBank possesses the necessary resources to fund the expansion of AI infrastructures.
Altman, who attended Trump’s inauguration at the Capitol Rotunda, has previously urged U.S. officials to help build these infrastructures to ensure that the United States maintains an edge over China in the field of artificial intelligence, which now encompasses all areas, from military capabilities to the economy.
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