Motta sicuro: “La Juve è al 200% concentrata, solo pensieri per l’Inter”

Motta sicuro: “La Juve è al 200% concentrata, solo pensieri per l’Inter”

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TORINO (ITALPRESS) – Il derby d’Italia si distingue da qualsiasi altra partita: presenta insidie uniche, il livello di qualità è altissimo e la concentrazione dev’essere sempre ai massimi livelli. Thiago Motta, allenatore della Juventus, è consapevole dell’importanza di questa sfida contro i nerazzurri e, durante la conferenza stampa, ha condiviso le sue impressioni: “Cerchiamo sempre la vittoria; il nostro compito è dare il massimo per ottenere risultati e schierarci al meglio contro un avversario forte come quello di domani, che rappresenta la sfida più significativa, se non la più importante. Dobbiamo mostrare un grande atteggiamento fin dal primo minuto, rimanendo uniti fino all’ultimo istante. Vivremo emozioni intense e dovremo essere concentrati al 200%”. Il morale in casa bianconera è alto, reduce da tre vittorie consecutive che hanno fatto bene. Assenti Kalulu, Bremer, Milik e Cabal, mentre Cambiaso e Kelly sono tornati disponibili. Among the elements that most satisfy Motta is the group, with which he shared a dinner: a moment that was useful for bringing the team closer together. “It was a nice moment,” Motta emphasized, adding his thoughts on the favorable previous encounters against Inzaghi: “He is a great coach whom I respect and who always follows his principles. I don’t know him very well personally, but this is my impression from the outside.” Regarding Renato Veiga: “He has great quality and can initiate plays, capable of both short and long passing. He is a player who can create opportunities without needing to drop back to the midfield.” Motta also addressed the fact that many consider the bianconeri as underdogs in the match against the nerazzurri: “I respect everyone’s opinions, but I am optimistic because I see the boys energized. We have prepared well for this match.” On referees: “I believe mistakes have happened, are happening, and will always happen. I make them too, so who am I to judge others? I think when controversies arise, we all share responsibility, but it’s part of the game. Let’s hope that tomorrow there will be minimal errors; we must contribute as well, avoiding simulations, violent fouls, and time-wasting. If we can manage these aspects well, along with the referee, it will be a great spectacle for everyone.” Finally, the Juventus coach concluded: “We are not thinking about the Champions League match on Wednesday; our focus is solely on tomorrow. I will choose the best team to face our opponents. We need to maintain our momentum. The three victories have been obtained in different ways. The goal is to deliver an outstanding performance and deserve the win. We never want to lose; we are Juventus and must always be at our most competitive.”
– Foto: Ipa Agency –

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