Educare i Cittadini all'Uso Responsabile del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale

Educare i Cittadini all’Uso Responsabile del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale

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Via Castelvetro 32, Inauguration of the new Pediatric Surgery department at the Vittore Buzzi hospital, medical staff in the ward, nurses, OS and doctors (Milan – 2016-09-12, Luca Matarazzo). Note: The photo can be used respecting the context in which it was taken and without defamatory intent regarding the dignity of the individuals depicted.

“These incidents often arise from the lack of responses that citizens experience due to personnel shortages, which aggravate an already difficult organizational situation and work-related stress,” explains the Fnopi. “In addition to the containment measures implemented by the government, which are yielding concrete results in terms of convictions, it is essential to develop a path for raising citizen awareness regarding the proper use of the structures and services of the National Health Service.”

According to Fnopi, “new integrated organizational models are needed to meet the needs of citizens and provide adequate responses. It is essential to connect hospitals and the territory. As a Federation, we have always been willing to do our part, collaborating with institutions and focusing on the training of our professionals so they are increasingly prepared relationally, in accordance with the principles of the ethical code, and in terms of continuous training.”

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